One of my friends on FB posts frequently, “what is on my
mind today.” I’d like to post what is on
my mind today.
First of all I am sick of all the Trump bashing. I remember when Clinton and Bush and Obama
were president, all of them were bashed as well but no nearly so harshly. I’m
not a big Trump supporter but let’s back off a little and give the guy some
room. Maybe he will straighten up his
act, and become the gentleman we want as our president.
I have also noticed that most of the bashers are very much
against bullying. What is this bashing,
but adult bullying?
When I was in Springfield recently I read a bunch of articles
and political cartoons that were printed when Lincoln was president. They were really hard on his ass too and look
how history has acclaimed him some hundred and fifty years later.
Speaking on being hard on asses – I read an interesting
article this morning by a psychologist who suggested that parents need to take
more responsibility of raising their children with discipline and love. Wow!
What a unique idea!
I was not the best parent in the world but my goal was to
raise children who would go out into the world and make it a better place to
live. I told them “no” more than
once. I forced them to get along. They stood in a corner often as babies. They had an occasional spanking as young
toddlers. I housebroke them and we all
got along pretty well in their teens. I explained that there were things that
were appropriate for adults and not children – drinking, smoking and sex. When they became adults, they could
experiment with these.
My girls live very far from me but that is okay. I raised them to know right from wrong and
they are both doing quite well. We have
a lot of fun when we get together but I don’t need them up my ass all the time,
and I know they don’t need me in theirs.
Another thing on my mind today, is Memorial Day. My parents called it “Decoration Day.” I believe that term originated after the Civil
War. After several more wars it became
Memorial Day to honor those who had died in service to their country. Veteran’s Day, however, honors those who are
currently in service or those who were in service.
I am thankful for all of the above. When I graduated from high school I wanted to
join the service but I was 17 and my parents would not allow me to enlist. I sure could have used the discipline in my
life, and I really wanted the help the government would have given me to go to
This year as a retiree, I am staying home on Memorial
Day. No big bashes for me to
attend. It is still a little cold for
swimming and besides, everyone and their grandma are here at the Lake for the
weekend. The line at the front gate
yesterday was at least ten cars long.
What I am going to do is go out into my Eden and work on my
yard and garden. It is pretty muddy
right now because we were on the verge of building an ark. I do hate weeding in the mud. I got new gardening gloves though and they
are working wonders. They are kind of
rubber on the fingers and palm and material on the hand part. I highly recommend them. (Thank you Pat.)
Yesterday while working in my yard, I discovered that I was
growing a Pitcher Plant. I vaguely
remember getting seeds or a piece of one last year. It is so cool and now I
want to move it to somewhere I can appreciate it. It is growing under a shrub right now. I forced a limb to cling to its neighbor so I
could get the photo of the Pitcher Plant. It is carnivorous and I can’t wait to
see what it catches. I hope it catches
Japanese Beetles.
Happy Memorial Day.
Wouldn’t Solemn Memorial Day be more appropriate?
Peace be with you.
Added: I discovered what I thought was a Pitcher Plant to be a Jack in the Pulpit. I guess it won't be eating those Japanese beetles.
Added: I discovered what I thought was a Pitcher Plant to be a Jack in the Pulpit. I guess it won't be eating those Japanese beetles.