One of my lovely readers said to me the other day, “You
haven’t been blogging.” I could have
kissed her (and liked it). I just love
it when someone reads my blog.
Well this is what my life looks like these days. About a month or so ago I broke my ring
finger on my right hand. I got a splint
and wore it for two weeks when I got a case of Dyshidrotic eczema (interpretation
– blisters from Hell). I developed
little pussie blisters all over the palms of my hands. I had had this about a month before but they
went away in a day or two. Not this
time. I got them on my knee, between my
toes and on my forearms.
I decided to go see my doctor who diagnosed my illness. While looking at my feet she told me I not
only had the blisters there but I also had toenail fungus and athlete’s
foot. Can I get an amen? I ventured to the pharmacy and got my
prescription and a tube of anti-fungal cream and a lovely little bottle with a
toenail fungus photo on the box.
When I got home and washed my feet to apply all of the
above, I read on the toenail box that “this product is not effective on nails.” What the …?
Why would you put a photo of toenails with fungus on a package of shit
that does not work on toenails. I’m
taking it back and demanding they take it off the shelf.
By the way I don’t have athlete’s foot. My toes were inflamed with the eczema and
after two days of use of the prescription cream for the eczema my feet were
The day after I saw the doctor for the skin condition, I had
to remove the splint on my broken finger.
The skin was worn away and I had quite a few blisters on that finger. A week or so later I got the splint back
on. I am now, as I type, typing with one
hand and a couple of fingers. Another
reason I haven’t been blogging.
And all of this time the garden has been exploding. I have made 14 quarts and five pints of hot
dilled beans, two pints of tomato sauce,
five quarts and seven pints of French sliced green beans, four quarts of tomatoes
and have dried the dehydrator full of dill, basil and parsley. And the garden is still full.
I made a pot of cabbage rolls but used kale for the
leaves. It was different but still
delicious. I need some kale
recipes. I bought and planted 4 plants
and they have taken up about half the row, shading my jalapeños. I have only
gotten a few peppers so far. I have trimmed away the shading leaves so
hopefully they will start producing.
All this and I have had to keep up with the laundry, some
housekeeping (dear god my house is a mess).
And I have smeared this eczema cream all over the place. I’m sure the dog will never get eczema. And my steering wheel is safe too. Plus all the door knobs in the house.
The worst part of this thing is learning how to wipe my ass
left handed! I am completely useless with my left hand. Except for typing, thank goodness!
I also took three days and made it to my daughter’s baby
shower in Tucson. I was so embarrassed with
my pussie hands. (Note that I didn’t
spell it pussy. What is the correct word for extremely pus-filled blisters?)
When I got home from Tucson the dog about ate me alive. Dodging the blisters! And the garden was covered in weeds and
produce. Weeding the garden one handed
is not a fun Zen therapy. I did manage
to get it under control. The milkweed is
starting to produce seed pods and I should get rid of them soon.
I was in the garage yesterday cleaning the dirt off my
potatoes to store them for winter. I got
almost ten pounds of potatoes. I had to pull onions to dry next. I think there
are about five pounds of them. And I got
13 heads of garlic.
So anyhow, I was listening to NPR while I worked in the
garage and Ted Talks was on talking about time.
It was so very fascinating. One
guy said something to the fact that past and future are real but the present is
just an illusion. F…ing blew my mind! Be Here Now is one of my all-time
favorite books. I try to be in the here
and now but I keep thinking the now is already gone as I say it. Light bulb
I am in the garage Zenning out cleaning the potatoes and I
look down and the floor is so dirty. I
naturally get distracted and end up sweeping the garage floor. If I could just stay focused on what I am
doing I could get so much done. I guess
I write that way also. The Digression Queen
is my title.
I get back to the potatoes and realize that I should really
put the stuff on the garage floor on the shelves so I can get that part of the
floor swept. I rummage on the shelves
and actually throw away and recycle quite a few items. I am so proud of myself. I can be such a hoarder when it comes to
saving junk I really don’t need.
I had a clay strawberry pot that I had never used. I put it out on the curb hoping someone would
pick it up. (It’s still there!) I also recycled several empty vinegar jugs
that I had intended to use. And I
recycled several Chock Full of Nuts coffee cans I thought I might need.
I make toddy coffee and I pretty much always use CFON. It is so delicious. You put a pound of dry coffee into this
plastic container and cover it with water.
Twenty-four hours later you drip the condensed through a filter and into
a decanter. I freeze the coffee in ice
cube trays and when I want a cup of coffee I just add a cube to a cup of
boiling water. Ta da!
And so dear reader, I have had a month of Hades. I decided to take a morning off today and do
a couple of things I had been putting off.
Next, I have to vacuum up dog hair.
Emily is doing well, but god, she sheds like a freeking banshee. (Do banshees really shred? And what is a banshee?) Take time out, look on Google. (An Irish legend; a female spirit whose
wailing warns of in impending death in the house.) Holy guacamole! I guess she sheds like a retriever.
Peace be with you. And blisters be gone from me.
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