Sunday, January 5, 2020

I haven't blogged in quite some time because I've had a constant neck and back ache.  However, I was cleaning my computer today and came across this I wrote several years ago.  Hope there no offense.  It was written tongue in cheek.  I love this face on Jess.

           I hate kids.  There, I’ve said it.  Now deal with it!  I can’t stand being around them.  I don’t really want to look at their new pictures.  You have them.  So keep them to yourselves.  Mine are in college and almost no trouble at all, and I don’t look forward to being a Grandmother, thank you.

            When I go to a restaurant and they ask me, “Smoking or non-smoking?” I just say, “As long as there are no children, I don’t care.  Please excuse me but I get to go out to a restaurant maybe once a month and I don’t want to listen to some snotty nosed kid whine about wanting pop not milk or needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of your Porterhouse.

I especially don’t want to listen to you try to get the kid to eat what is in front of him when I had to watch you feed him crackers and cookies while waiting for your food.  I actually watched a mother feed her kid those little plastic tubs of jelly while waiting for breakfast one morning and then she couldn’t understand why he was bouncing off the walls instead of eating his eggs when they arrived.

Sure, when my girls were little I thought they were God’s gift to humanity.  I still think they have a lot of potential.  When they were babies, I nursed them and I didn’t get too far from them until they were weaned.    When they were toddlers I did not drag them to adult parties where people might have been drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes or telling jokes they didn’t need to hear.  They went to bed at 8:00 which is when I had my time to my husband and myself.  They sure as heck didn’t sleep in my bed.

I suppose I am from the old school.  I do believe kids should be seen and not heard at least until they have practiced their manners with their peers.  I have always felt that we were just renting our kids for a few years.  They are little people in training to become adults, on their own, away from me.  They go and have their lives and I get mine back.

Sure I miss my girls quite frequently but that does not mean I want to be entertained by your rugrats.  I have to admit that I do know several kids who are pretty well house broken.  They have good manners, don’t whine or pick their nose in public.  They are pretty fun to talk to and to kid around with.

On second thought, maybe I don’t hate kids.  Maybe I just hate bad parents.