Friday, October 27, 2023

Just a few thoughts

While reading my most recent paperback novel (yes, a book!), I realized how much I hate the gutter in paperbacks.  To read the middle print I have to break the back of the book.  I do hate doing this when it is not even my own book.  Look at the pages.  On the left side and right side of the open book is a quarter of an inch of space.  Why can't the publishers give that space up and let us have a decent gutter?  It certainly would save a lot of books.

Also, when a lot of books change chapters they sometime use white space above and below the title.  This is entirely wasted space.  Get rid of that empty space and it would save on the publishing costs as it would cut down on how many pages were in the book.

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I have a case of terminal chapped lips.  I have tried so many different kinds of lip balm and nothing seems to help.  I guess it would help if I didn't bite the skin off my lips when they become flaky.  I have a lip balm in each bathroom, by the kitchen, by my bed and next to my reclining chair.  Does anyone ever use an entire lip balm?  No sooner had I thought of this that I used an entire Chapstick.  Thus the answer to the question above.

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As I was doing laundry the other day, I folded socks and discovered that I had an extra sock.  I checked the dryer and there was no sock.  I then checked the washer in case I had left it in there.  No sock was found.  I have a little basket in the laundry where I throw extra socks.  I go through them ever so often and occasionally find a matching pair of socks.  My thought is, "where do these lost socks go?"  Do they get eaten by our washing machine and are we clogging up the sewer system with a shitload of extra socks?  Is there a website called, "Find my lost socks?"  Maybe there should be...

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Lying with the dog in my lap, I was wondering what do dogs think?  I think they are thinking of 

    1.  food

    2.  pooping and peeing

    3.  toys

    4.  car ride with windows down

    5.  walk

But when my dog is asleep and she starts sort of barking and moving her legs and ears, is she dreaming of chasing an animal?  Or  possibly running away from something scary?  And do dogs think in sentences or just one or two word thoughts?  I often wonder if my dog could talk, what would she say to me?

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Now some aggravations of mine.

People do you know what a thesaurus is?  Look up "awesome" and find some other word instead.  This is awesome, that is awesome.  Is it really awesome?  The Grand Canyon is awesome, Niagara Falls is awesome, but are you really thinking that the inane trivial  happenings in your life are really "awesome"?

I am also getting sick of "high fives".  They are fastly becoming "high tens".  In this day and age of confinement or wearing masks everywhere, shouldn't we find a more hygienic way of telling those around you that "yea, rah, rah, and toot toot, we did it."  How about a "low toe"?  Or elbows are pretty hygienic?  Even butts are hygienic but only if they are covered.

And finally, one of my most aggravating pet peeves -- idiot drivers who don't use their turn signals, and those morons who turn the blinker on right as they are turning.

On a positive note, Peace be with you.